Our Mission

To provide professional development, assistance, and training for our members that enhances the proficiency of their operations through education and support services.

Virginia Rural Water Association was founded in 1987 and is a private, non-profit association whose voting members are small municipal and rural water and wastewater systems across the state.  The association is governed by a nine member board of directors elected by these members.  Our corporate members include engineering and technical firms, equipment suppliers, and service companies.  VRWA also has individual members from all over the state.

As one part of our mission, we sponsor frequent training programs designed with the needs of small water and wastewater systems in mind.  In addition to these programs, the association offers on-site technical and managerial assistance in a wide range of areas.

The Virginia Rural Water Association is supported by membership dues, advertising conference revenues, and contract work performed through our affiliation with the National Rural Water Association.  Our modest membership dues are used to expand our services and buy equipment such as portable labs and leak detectors that are used to assist rural systems.

Vision Statement:

To be the leading professional organization that adapts its assistance and training to ensure services exceed the ever-changing needs of its members.



