Management of Water and Wastewater Facilities in the Real World (St. Paul)

Management of Water and Wastewater Facilities in the Real World (St. Paul)

2/26/2025 Oxbow Center

Learn about a variety of aspects of managing water or wastewater facilities.

5 Management CPEs

2-Day Wastewater Certification Review Prep - Class 3&4 (Pulaski County)

2-Day Wastewater Certification Review Prep - Class 3&4 (Pulaski County)

3/4&5/2025 (Pulaski County Innovation Center)

This  test prep class is designed to help wastewater operators prepare for the ABC Certification Examination Class 3&4.

14 Wastewater CPEs

2-Day Wastewater Certification Review Prep: Class 1&2 (St. Paul)

2-Day Wastewater Certification Review Prep: Class 1&2 (St. Paul)

3/19&20/2025 (Oxbow Center)

This two-day test prep class is designed to help wastewater operators prepare for the ABC Certification Examination.

14 Wastewater CPEs


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