Classes and Webinars

Access your CPEs through your online account with VRWA.

You will be able to retrieve your certificates at your convenience.  We no longer distribute printed certificates at classes or events.  

If you do not have an account, you may create an account by selecting the REGISTER link in the upper right corner of this page.  

Select the CREATE AN ACCOUNT link.  Follow the directions and allow up to 2 business days for your account to be manually cleared.


Don't see what you need - fill out a Training Request Form.

Need Board or Management Training?

If you don't see one scheduled in your area, let us know and we can schedule one for you.

Overview of 5hr Board Training Class.

Management Classes

How to access your CPE Class Certificates

Under Membership tab select the My Account.

  • Log into your account. (If you do not have an account, select register account).
  • Once logged in, go to History tab and select Class History.  Within class history, you will have a list of all classes you have registered for and taken.
  • For the class you need the certificate for, select Download Certificate.

Please note that class certificates may not be immediately available after a class is completed.  Come back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

Permit Required Confined Space Training (Purcellville)

Permit Required Confined Space Training (Purcellville)

5/26/2022 Purcellville Maintenance Facility

This in-person training course will provide participants with the knowledge concerning OSHA PRCS regulations, common hazards of PRCS, entry procedures, rescue procedures, and PRCS program overview. This class will be very interactive and consist of discussion and lecture based training activities, group hazard workshop activities, PRCS tabletop scenarios, and a hands-on practical demonstration of confined space rescue procedures. (Seats available Morning session - 0/30, Afternoon session 15/30)

Theme picker
